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- Program Lander;
- { ************************************************************************
- ** Lander **
- ** A sample game using the PCQ windowlib © 1997 THOR-Software inc. **
- ** Version 0.00 11.07.1997 **
- ** **
- ** This game is by no means complete, it's just a demonstration **
- ** what's possible with the windowlib and should serve as a reference **
- ** for common techniques for accessing the library. **
- ** Feel free to complete this example if you like! **
- ************************************************************************}
- {$I "INCLUDE:Utils/windowlib.i"} { This is the main include file.
- All windowlib entries are defined
- here }
- {$I "INCLUDE:Utils/random.i"} { A random generator }
- { Next, we define the types for the definition of the sprite shapes. They
- have to be arrays of PCQ type strings, the size of the array beeing the
- height of the sprite. }
- LanderArray = Array [0..9] of String; { The shape of the lander itself }
- FlameArray = Array [0..4] of String; { The main engine }
- SteerArray = Array [0..2] of String; { The left and right engine }
- { This is the definition of the sprite shapes. Since we're using true hardware
- sprites in this example, the width of the sprites are limited to 16 pixels
- and a maximum of three colors is allowed. The shape itself is encoded in
- "ASCII-Art", each character representing one color:
- space = background
- . = color 1
- + = color 2
- * = color 3
- If you're using bobs,i.e. playfield graphics instead of hardware sprites, more
- colors than the four above can be used. The encoding can be found in
- the docs. }
- Lander : LanderArray=( { the lander itself }
- " ... ",
- " ...... ",
- " ........ ",
- " ...+..+... ",
- " *..++..++..* ",
- " ...+..+... ",
- " ........ ",
- " .. *** .. ",
- " .. ***** .. ",
- ".. ..");
- { the main engine. This one takes two shapes since we're going
- to animate it. This animation is automatically done by the
- windowlib, no need to care about it. }
- Flame : Array[0..1] of FlameArray=((
- " .*. ",
- " .*+*. ",
- " .*+*. ",
- " ... ",
- " "),(
- " .*. ",
- " .*+*. ",
- " **+** ",
- " .*.*. ",
- " . . . "));
- { left and right engine }
- SteerLeft : Array[0..1] of SteerArray=((
- " .. ",
- " ..**.",
- " .. "),(
- " ... ",
- " ..*+*.",
- " ... "));
- SteerRight : Array[0..1] of SteerArray=((
- " .. ",
- ".**.. ",
- " .. "),(
- " ... ",
- ".*+*.. ",
- " ... "));
- { variable section }
- x,y : Integer; { position of the lander }
- xvel,yvel : Integer; { its velocity }
- g : Integer; { graviation constant }
- power : Integer; { acceleration power of the engines }
- powerleft,powerright : Integer;
- strength : Integer; { hull strength of the lander. Crash if we hit the ground faster than that }
- w : WindowPtr; { the main window }
- s : ScreenPtr; { the screen }
- lsp : SpritePtr; { the lander sprite }
- botsp,leftsp,rightsp : SpritePtr; { left,right and main engine }
- bot1sp,left1sp,right1sp : SpritePtr; { alternate images, for animation }
- platform : Integer; { position of the landing platform }
- plheight : Integer; { height of the platform }
- fuel,lastfuel : Integer; { current fuel and last fuel, used for easy updateing }
- biguse : Integer; { fuel consumption of the main engine }
- smalluse : Integer; { fuel consumption of the left and right engine }
- { A tiny note about the positioning of sprites:
- All positions are relative to the window the sprite resides in, regardless
- if this is a true hardware sprite or a bob.
- The position is given as 32 bit scaled fraction - this sounds horrible, but
- is in fact very easy:
- To get the real screen position of the sprite, shift the sprite
- position right by 16 bits (divide by 65536), i.e.
- screenx=spritex SHR 16.
- To set the sprite to a real screen position, shift the screen position
- left by sixteen bits, i.e. spritex=screenx SHL 16.
- Experts might notice that the position is, hence, encoded
- as following:
- spritex = ssssssssssssssss ffffffffffffffff
- screen position fractional part
- upper 16 bits lower 16 bits
- This scaling is done to allow smooth animation without floating point
- numbers, which are usually slow. }
- { This procedure draws the fuel gauge at the top of the main window }
- Procedure DrawFuel;
- Color(w,2); { select pen two for drawing }
- PBox(w,0,0,319,8); { draw the full gauge }
- Position(w,0,7); { select the position }
- DrawMode(w,0); { select JAM1 for drawing, i.e. the text background is transparent }
- Color(w,1); { select pen one for the text }
- DrawText(w,"Fuel :"); { print the text at the selected position }
- Color(w,0); { select pen 0 for the separator bar }
- Plot(w,99,0); { draw starting point }
- DrawTo(w,99,8); { draw the bar, a vertical line }
- lastfuel:=fuel; { remember the last fuel, for easy update }
- END;
- { This procedure is called when the fuel has changed and must be updated.
- It does not re-draw the fuel gauge completely, only the part that has
- changed is updated. The variable lastfuel holds the last fuel for this
- purpose. }
- Procedure UpdateFuel;
- IF fuel<0 THEN fuel:=0; { don't draw negative fuel }
- IF fuel<>lastfuel THEN BEGIN { any change whatsoever? }
- Color(w,1); { select pen 1, black }
- { Update the gauge. Note that the fuel is shifted
- right by 16 bits, i.e. is divided by 65536.
- This is just a useful scaling to avoid floats }
- PBox(w,100+(fuel SHR 16),0,100+(lastfuel SHR 16),8);
- lastfuel:=fuel { store the last fuel }
- END;
- { Setup the velocities, position and other lander specific constants.
- If you want to add more levels with different settings, that's definitely
- the procedure you've to modify }
- Procedure InitVelocities;
- x:=160 SHL 16; { setup x and y position of the lander. Please note }
- y:=8 SHL 16; { that the screen positions 160,8 must be shifted }
- { left by 16 bits to give the sprite position, as }
- { discussed above }
- xvel:=0;
- yvel:=0; { set the velocity to zero }
- g:=1024; { graviational constant. Bigger = harder. }
- power:=4096; { acceleration by the main engine. }
- powerleft:=2048; { left and right engine power }
- powerright:=2048;
- strength:=65536; { hull strength. If we land harder than that,
- we crash! }
- fuel:=219 SHL 16; { the fuel }
- biguse:=16384; { fuel consumption, for left & right and main engine }
- smalluse:=4096;
- END;
- { Draw some stars as background. The color effects are done with the "copper"
- a graphics coprocessor on board. }
- Procedure DrawStars;
- i : Integer;
- Color(w,1); { select color one for the stars }
- FOR i:=0 TO 39 DO { draw 40 stars at random positions }
- Plot(w,RangeRandom(319),RangeRandom(180)+8)
- END;
- { Draw the landing plot, i.e the ground. }
- Procedure DrawGround;
- i : Integer;
- y : Integer;
- dice : Integer;
- y:=185-RangeRandom(50); { initial height }
- platform:=RangeRandom(319-18); { position of the platform }
- Color(w,2); { select pen two for the ground }
- { the nice color effect is again done by the copper, which alters the
- contents of the color registers "on the fly". No need to take care
- about this right here. }
- FOR i:=0 TO 319 DO BEGIN { for all x positions }
- Plot(w,i,189); { draw a line from the bottom of }
- DrawTo(w,i,y); { the window to the height of the ground }
- dice:=RangeRandom(6); { roll a dice to get the new height }
- IF (i>=platform) AND (i<=platform+17) THEN BEGIN
- dice:=3; { if we're at the position of the platform }
- plheight:=y { do not change the height and remember }
- { the position for later use }
- END;
- { depening on the dice roll above, modify the height
- by -3 to +3 }
- CASE dice OF
- 0: IF y<183 THEN y:=y+3;
- 1: IF y<184 THEN y:=y+2;
- 2: IF y<185 THEN y:=y+1;
- 4: IF y>99 THEN y:=y-1;
- 5: IF y>98 THEN y:=y-2;
- 6: IF y>97 THEN y:=y-3;
- END;
- END;
- { The ground is now almost complete. We've to draw the platform
- with pen 3 at the position remembered before }
- Color(w,3); { select pen three }
- Plot(w,platform,plheight+3); { start at the left bottom position }
- DrawTo(w,platform,plheight); { up to the ground }
- DrawTo(w,platform+17,plheight); { and now rightwards }
- DrawTo(w,platform+17,plheight+3);{ and down into the ground again }
- Plot(w,platform+1,plheight+3); { just the same story, but }
- DrawTo(w,platform+1,plheight+1); { with a little displacement }
- DrawTo(w,platform+16,plheight+1);{ for a thicker line }
- DrawTo(w,platform+16,plheight+3);
- END;
- { This is the main animation loop, everything important happens in here.
- It returns TRUE on a successful landing, or FALSE on a crash. }
- Function AnimationLoop : Boolean;
- pushleft,pushright : Boolean; { true if joystick is pushed into this direction }
- pushup : Boolean;
- boom : Boolean; { true if we crashed }
- landed : Boolean; { true on successful landing }
- c1,c2 : Byte; { the colors at the position of the landing gear }
- xw,yw : Integer; { temporary storage }
- boom:=FALSE;
- landed:=FALSE; { neither landed nor crashed }
- ShowSprite(lsp); { make the lander visible. }
- { A tiny remark about all sprite related functions: (Almost) none of
- them has a direct result on the screen. Calls like ShowSprite() or
- PlaceSprite() DO NOT have an immediate effect at all, they just
- alter the current properties of the sprite.
- To make the changes visible, a call to AnimateSprites() or
- RedrawSprites() is necessary. This buffering is done because
- both calls are rather slow, so you should avoid calling them too
- often. Just set all sprite properties before, and map them to
- the screen AT ONCE with one big AnimateSprites().
- The only difference between AnimateSprites() and RedrawSprites()
- is that the first one does not only redraw the sprites on the
- screen, but drives the animation engine as well; i.e., it selects
- the next sprite out of an animation sequence.
- If you don't use any animation, both procedures are equivalent. }
- REPEAT { .. until crash or landing }
- UpdateFuel; { redraw the fuel gauge }
- pushup:=StickUp(1); { true if the user pushed the stick upwards }
- pushleft:=StickLeft(1); { same for left and right }
- pushright:=StickRight(1);
- { the argument to the joystick calls is the port number of
- the joystick, 1 beeing the right one at the A2000, i.e. the
- one which is usually NOT connected to the mouse.
- You MAY use a joystick in port 0 as well, by providing
- a zero as argument, but this will make the mouse unuseable.
- Mouse input can be re-established with a call of
- FreeJoystick(0), if you need it. }
- IF pushup AND (fuel>=biguse) THEN BEGIN { start main engine if fuel is left }
- ShowSprite(botsp); { show the main engine }
- yvel:=yvel-power; { accelerate upwards }
- fuel:=fuel-biguse; { consume fuel }
- HideSprite(botsp); { hide it }
- yvel:=yvel+g; { fall down }
- END;
- { left and right engines handled similar }
- IF pushleft AND (fuel>=smalluse) THEN BEGIN
- ShowSprite(rightsp);
- xvel:=xvel-powerleft;
- fuel:=fuel-smalluse;
- HideSprite(rightsp);
- END;
- IF pushright AND (fuel>=smalluse) THEN BEGIN
- ShowSprite(leftsp);
- xvel:=xvel+powerright;
- fuel:=fuel-smalluse;
- HideSprite(leftsp);
- END;
- { The next lines handle boundary collision of the lander.
- The animation engine of the OS can handle sprite to sprite
- collsions, and sprite to boundary collisons, but no
- sprite to playfield collisions. I've no idea why, this is
- in fact a design flaw which can't be fixed with the window-
- lib.
- We use here the sprite to boundary collisions for
- reflections on the boundary of the window.
- The hitmask of the lander was setup in the main program,
- we can read it here with ReadCollisionMask.
- The first argument is the sprite, the last a boolean that
- indicates wether the collision mask should be cleared
- for the next loop. }
- { collision with left boundary ? }
- IF (ReadCollisionMask(lsp,FALSE) AND COLLIDE_LEFT)<>0 THEN BEGIN
- IF xvel<0 THEN
- xvel:=-xvel { reflection }
- END;
- { collision with right boundary ? }
- IF xvel>0 THEN
- xvel:=-xvel { reflection as well }
- END;
- { collision with top of window ? }
- IF (ReadCollisionMask(lsp,FALSE) AND COLLIDE_TOP)<>0 THEN BEGIN
- IF yvel<0 THEN
- yvel:=-yvel;
- END;
- { collsion with the bottom is a crash }
- IF yvel>0 THEN
- boom:=TRUE
- END;
- { update the position by adding the velocity }
- x:=x+xvel;
- y:=y+yvel;
- { place the lander at the new position }
- PlaceSprite(lsp,x,y);
- { place the left,right and main engine as well.
- The proper displacement of the sprites was setup
- before, in the main program. We may use here the
- the same position as for the lander.
- Even though the sprite poisitions are set here, this
- does not mean that they are visible. This is controlled
- by ShowSprite & HideSprite }
- PlaceSprite(leftsp,x,y);
- PlaceSprite(rightsp,x,y);
- PlaceSprite(botsp,x,y);
- { We're now handling collision with the ground. The
- collision routines of the OS do not handle them, sigh.}
- { Determinate the screen position from the sprite position }
- xw:=x SHR 16;
- yw:=y SHR 16;
- IF y>0 THEN BEGIN { don't allow collision with the fuel gauge }
- c1:=Locate(w,xw+1,yw+9); { get the color at the position of the landing gear }
- c2:=Locate(w,xw+14,yw+9);
- { don't allow collisions with the stars.
- -1 is returned if the point is outside of the
- window. This may happen if the sprite is about to
- collide with the boundary. We don't handle this as
- a crash }
- IF (c1=1) or (c1=-1) THEN c1:=0;
- IF (c2=1) or (c2=-1) THEN c2:=0;
- IF ((c1<>0) OR (c2<>0)) THEN BEGIN { any collision? }
- IF (c1=3) AND (c1=3) THEN BEGIN { with the platform? }
- IF yvel<strength THEN { if so, slow enough ? }
- landed:=TRUE { yes, so successful landing }
- ELSE boom:=TRUE { if not, crash }
- END ELSE boom:=TRUE { same if we collide with anything else }
- END;
- { the next procedure redraws all the sprites. Note again
- that (almost) all sprite calls don't work immediately and
- this one IS needed.
- It does also the animation we've setup for realistic engine }
- AnimateSprites(w);
- UNTIL boom OR landed; {abort on crash or landing}
- AnimationLoop:=landed; {return TRUE if landed properly}
- END;
- { This is the main loop of the game. Quite a lot must be done here, as
- for example a score counter, more levels, more "lives", etc... }
- Procedure MainLoop;
- success : Boolean;
- HideSprite(lsp); { hide all sprites }
- HideSprite(botsp);
- HideSprite(leftsp);
- HideSprite(rightsp);
- AnimateSprites(w); { and make the changes visible }
- ClearRaster(w,0); { clear the window }
- DrawStars; { draw background }
- DrawGround; { draw ground }
- InitVelocities; { initialize lander specific data }
- DrawFuel; { draw the fuel gauge }
- success:=AnimationLoop; { and start the animation }
- UNTIL NOT success; { abort on a crash }
- END;
- { This procedure is used to setup the nice color effects on the screen.
- It uses the "Copper" support procedures of the windowlib to change the
- color of some of the pens in the middle of the screen. }
- PROCEDURE SetupCopper;
- y : Integer;
- i : Integer;
- SetColor(s,0,0,0,15);
- { set background to blue. The colors selected with SetColor are
- always visible on top of the screen }
- y:=19;
- CopperWait(s,0,y);
- { wait for line 19 for the next copper operation }
- CopperSetColor(s,1,14,13,12);
- CopperSetColor(s,2,1,2,3);
- CopperSetColor(s,3,0,15,5);
- { fill pens 1 to 3 with new values }
- { dim blue to black }
- FOR i:=0 TO 15 DO BEGIN
- CopperSetColor(s,0,0,0,15-i); { set pen color }
- y:=y+1;
- CopperWait(s,0,y); { wait for the next line }
- END;
- { dim the stars }
- FOR i:=0 TO 11 DO BEGIN
- CopperSetColor(s,1,12-i,13-i,14-i); { next color }
- y:=y+8; { wait for the next }
- CopperWait(s,0,y); { eight lines }
- END;
- { dim the ground from dark to light }
- FOR i:=0 TO 8 DO BEGIN
- CopperSetColor(s,2,2+i,3+i,4+i); { ground }
- CopperSetColor(s,3,0,15-i,5); { platform }
- y:=y+7;
- CopperWait(s,0,y);
- END;
- { we're done with the copper, display the color effects }
- CopperDone(s);
- END;
- { This is now the main program. Initialising starts here }
- { setup the windowlib. This one is VERY important, nothing works
- without it! }
- InitGraphics;
- SelfSeed; { initialise the random generator }
- { open a screen for our program. We use a standard LORES screen with
- four pens. A lot of color effects can be done with the copper, the
- sprites come with their own colors anyways.
- LORES is a MUST if you want to use the hardware sprites with
- collision detection, due to another bug in the OS routines }
- s:=OpenAScreen(0,0,320,200,2,MON_LORES,"Lander © 1997 THOR-Software.");
- { unless all other calls, this one might fail! You HAVE to
- check if we got the screen, no way around it !}
- SetupCopper; { display the graphics effects with the copper }
- { open a window on the screen. We use a borderless backdrop window
- here, the frame around the window is not wanted.
- Note that we must pass a NIL pointer as window title to make
- the drag bar of the window invisible as well }
- { check if this was successful. THIS CALL MIGHT FAIL! }
- IF SetWindowFont(w,"topaz.font",8) THEN BEGIN
- { set the window font to default. Necessary if
- the user choose something else.
- The font will be used by the fuel gauge.
- Again, this call might fail and returns
- FALSE in this case }
- { the next calls build the sprite shapes of the lander and the
- engines. Each engine uses two sprites, only one of them is
- visible at a time, as done by the animation procedures.
- This gives a nice "fire" effect.
- We use also true hardware sprites as they are faster, less
- flickering and come with their own colors.
- They are, however, limited to LORES }
- lsp:=OpenSprite(w,@Lander[0],10,SPRITE_HARDWARE);
- botsp:=OpenSprite(w,@Flame[0][0],5,SPRITE_HARDWARE);
- bot1sp:=OpenSprite(w,@Flame[1][0],5,SPRITE_HARDWARE);
- leftsp:=OpenSprite(w,@SteerLeft[0][0],3,SPRITE_HARDWARE);
- left1sp:=OpenSprite(w,@SteerLeft[1][0],3,SPRITE_HARDWARE);
- rightsp:=OpenSprite(w,@SteerRight[0][0],3,SPRITE_HARDWARE);
- right1sp:=OpenSprite(w,@SteerRight[1][0],3,SPRITE_HARDWARE);
- { please note that we must pass a pointer to the first string of the
- sprite "ASCII Art" definition. The next parameters are the height and a
- flags field }
- { Link the engine sprites together. This is all required for the
- animation, everything else is done by the windowlib.
- The linked sprites come with their own colors, their own
- displacement set by ShiftSprite, their own shape but share
- the position of the sprite they are linked to. }
- LinkSprite(botsp,bot1sp);
- LinkSprite(leftsp,left1sp);
- LinkSprite(rightsp,right1sp);
- { Start the collision detection of the lander sprite with the border.
- The first parameter is the "MeMask", used for collisions with other
- sprites, the second is the "HitMask" which selects which collisions
- are detected for this sprite }
- SetCollisionMasks(lsp,0,COLLIDE_BORDER);
- { Select the colors for the lander sprite }
- SetSpriteColor(lsp,1,10,10,10);
- SetSpriteColor(lsp,2,4,0,8);
- SetSpriteColor(lsp,3,4,4,4);
- { The colors between the engines will be shared. This has
- two advantages: First, we have to setup the colors only for the
- base sprite, all the colors of all sprites linked to that one will
- get the same colors. Secondly, it tells the sprite mapping that
- a hardware sprite using the same colors can be used to display this
- sprite, allowing more sprites on the display. }
- ShareColors(botsp,leftsp);
- ShareColors(botsp,rightsp);
- ShareColors(bot1sp,left1sp);
- ShareColors(bot1sp,right1sp);
- { select the colors for the engines, base and second animation
- frame }
- SetSpriteColor(botsp,1,15,0,0);
- SetSpriteColor(botsp,2,15,15,15);
- SetSpriteColor(botsp,3,15,10,0);
- SetSpriteColor(bot1sp,1,10,0,0);
- SetSpriteColor(bot1sp,2,10,10,15);
- SetSpriteColor(bot1sp,3,15,8,0);
- { select displacements for the engines }
- ShiftSprite(leftsp,-(14 SHL 16),3 SHL 16);
- ShiftSprite(rightsp,14 SHL 16,3 SHL 16);
- ShiftSprite(botsp,0,9 SHL 16);
- ShiftSprite(left1sp,-(14 SHL 16),3 SHL 16);
- ShiftSprite(right1sp,14 SHL 16,3 SHL 16);
- ShiftSprite(bot1sp,0,9 SHL 16);
- { start the game }
- MainLoop;
- { close the sprites. Just a matter of good style! }
- CloseSprite(lsp);
- CloseSprite(botsp);
- CloseSprite(bot1sp);
- CloseSprite(leftsp);
- CloseSprite(left1sp);
- CloseSprite(rightsp);
- CloseSprite(right1sp)
- END;
- { close the window we've used }
- CloseAWindow(w)
- END;
- { same for the screen }
- CloseAScreen(s)
- END;
- { THIS ONE IS VERY IMPORTANT! It gives all used resources back to
- the system. This is necessary, even though we've closed the
- window, screen and sprites manually. The windowlib allocates
- quite more stuff implicitly than is visible from the outside. }
- ExitGraphics
- END.